Watch Obibini in ‘Get a life’ video

Being human our greatness lies not as much in being able to remake the world as in being able to remake ourselves. Obibini as stage name of Kwaku Boafo is an acronym for Obviously Black Is Beautiful Infinite & Naturally Inspiring.

Born to an Ashanti mother and an Akuapem father, OBIBINI hails from Ghana, West African. He grew up listening to the records of Reggie

Rockstone, Obrafour, Outkast and Busta Rhymes way back in his childhood days.

Records from the artistes he listened to inspired him to write and RAP as well. In High School (Adisadel College), Kwaku started writing his own songs and joined a 4-member group called the

Ill Deadly Ministers (IDM) and that helped him better his lyrics and RAP style. Even before officially releasing his debut single, OBIBINI had a wide fan base that at a point in time felt he had been kept unsigned rather too long. A Hip Hop artiste with a unique style of blending English and his mother tongue (Twi) in his music, Obibini hopes to go far in the world music industry; hence learning to sing as well as he raps.

Due to his keen interest in quality content creation, OBIBINI focuses on good lyrics in writing his music. Being a lover of African history with a passion for research and creative writing, OBIBINI’s vision is to become a model of excellence in the ‘Edutainment’ industry; his mission is to establish a School OfAfrikan Knowledge (SOAK), to educate, entertain and bridge generational gaps through music and the creative arts. As an ardent listener and lover of music, OBIBINI is not only concerned about the growth of his music but that of the industry as a whole. This is why he expresses worry about the incidence of artistes who do a one hit-track and vanish into thin air, he says, “most of these vanished artistes refused to be dynamic and don’t seem prepared to learn to better their skills and talents, while “underground” I was critically analyzing why they vanish and that has inspired me to put away pride and learn no matter how famous I become.” Undoubtedly a trend setter, OBIBINI further notes that although things become tough for most upcoming artistes who do not follow existing trends of rhythm in the music industry “I believe every artiste has his or her unique way of composing, singing and/or rapping, we should learn to appreciate our talents rather than follow trends because if you ignore your uniqueness for existing trends, what happens when trending rhythms end?”

Obibini is signed to Zylofon Music, a label that has ensured his victories as far as his career is concerned over the few years.

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