Here’s Why You Should Wait to Download iOS 11

iOS 11 is now available for download, which means you can upgrade one of your many iOS devices to get features like a smarter Siri, a new app dock on the iPad, and improved multitasking support. It also means you’ll be downloading the first version of a major software upgrade, which isn’t the best idea, especially on launch day. Issues ranging from slow download speeds to frozen devices often plague the first version of new operating systems, and the potential for something to go awry on day one should be enough to make you consider waiting until Apple irons out the kinks.
Hope You Have Some Free Time

When iOS 11 debuts, there’s no doubt everyone will try to update their device. Be prepared to wait a while. With a large number of people trying to download the same huge software update from Apple, you might find your download speeds to be slower than you expected.

Holding off on updating for a few days is worth it, if only to spare yourself the potentially hours-long upgrade ordeal.


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