Twitter users are already preparing for Election 2020, and more specifically, Kanye West.
“Reality star Trump made it all the way to the general election ballot. Gives me faith that 2020 will see a Kanye West race to the WhiteHouse,” Kate Mowgli tweeted. Mowgli is one of the millions already campaigning for West.
Kanye West 2020 is currently trending at No.5 on Twitter’s Today and Election 2016 sections.
Although West hasn’t commented recently, West told BBC radio in August 2016 that he fully intends to run for the presidency in 2020 and plans to create policies according to “human values” rather than “political values.”
Jaden Smith for Kanye's VP in 2020
— Andrew Husband (@AndrewHusband) November 4, 2016
Ummm whoever wins today, good luck beating Kanye in 2020.
— Chris Urquhart (@chrisurquhart) November 8, 2016
I have came to a conclusion that in 2020 I will be running for president against Kanye west,pick your mouths up off the floor ,let's get it
— MARILYN MONHOE (@CupcakKe_rapper) November 8, 2016
So Kanye West for president in 2020 it is. ✊
— MaTembe (@PaliTembe) November 9, 2016
@kanyewest Your ass better beat @realDonaldTrump in 2020
— Xavier Montes (@QuoteTheXavier) November 9, 2016
@PearlThusi sorry dear it's Kanye West by 2020
— Yani🇿🇦 (@VuyaniCubungu) November 9, 2016
MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN @kanyewest 2020!!
— Pastey (@benmcconville1) November 9, 2016
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