How to Determine If You are Singing With Your Real Voice

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Whether you enjoy singing in the shower or want to pursue singing as a career, you need to find out whether you are using your authentic voice or not. The process may seem long, but it is actually necessary if you want to develop and better your singing techniques. Unfortunately, a lot of people do not realize that the voice they are using is not their authentic voice. They might be trying to copy the voice of another singer or think their voice does not sound good. However, with some work,  you can find out your own singing voice and use it.

Different Voice Types

Before going into how exactly you can find your own voice, you need to know that there are different voice types. They range in tone and can be quite high or very low. There are seven main voice types: countertenor, Alto, Soprano, mezzo-soprano,   tenor, bass, and baritone. A soprano has the highest vocal range of all voice types, followed by mezzo-soprano and so forth. Bass has the lowest vocal range of all types and is particularly deep. Having this knowledge is going to help you when it comes to finding out whether you are using your authentic voice and what type it is. In fact, there are even more things you need to know to ensure that you are progressing well as a singer. Experts at Musicaroo state that as a singer, you need to find different ways to ensure that you are going in the right direction, whether you plan on using your voice as a professional or not. This can be done by looking for guides to read online or browsing different music-centered websites.

Discovering Your Vocal Range

This is one of the first steps you need to go through if you want to find your authentic voice. You can discover your vocal range by finding out what the highest and lowest tones you can reach are. This can be done if you sing scales. You need to start by using the lowest note and then go up until you reach the highest note you can carry until you cannot go any higher. You need to make it a point to keep track of where you fail when singing scales to determine what kind of voice you have.

Identifying What Voice You Are Using

You will often find yourself having two kinds of voices, a chest voice, and a head voice. This is important to note because it can help you determine your voice and what you need to work on to develop your authentic singing voice. Usually, you use your chest voice when singing lower notes or when speaking in general. On the other hand, you use your head voice when singing really high notes and it can be described as airy. Of course, there is also a mixed approach which uses both chest and head voices when singing

Using the Correct Singing Techniques

Sometimes, you might have an idea of what your authentic voice is, but you are not utilizing the correct techniques to help you sing with your authentic singing voice. In fact, using the correct singing technique is key to making your authentic voice sound clearer than ever before. Things to keep in mind when singing include having the right posture, breathing correctly, and opening the back of your throat to ensure that the sounds you are making come out clearly.

Choosing the Perfect Songs for Your Voice

Unfortunately, not all songs will work for your voice type. You need to look for songs that work well for the voice type you have discovered in the previous steps. This will ensure that your authentic voice comes out naturally, and is not rusty from being unused. Practicing with the ideal songs will ensure that your authentic voice shines through perfectly.


After you find the songs that fit your style and voice type, you need to keep practicing. Practice makes perfect, therefore the more you use your voice by singing the songs that work best for you, you will have an easier time using your authentic voice whenever you sing.

Record As You Sing

This may seem like a big step to take, but you don’t have to worry since you are the only one who is going to listen to these recordings — at least for the time being. Recording your songs will ensure that you are able to pinpoint the areas in which you need more practice. You will also be able to hear what others hear when you are singing. At first, you might dislike your voice because it might not fit with your idea of what a good singing voice is, but this does not make your authentic voice bad. It just means that you need to work on accepting your voice and finding which points you want to change.

Now that you have an idea of how you can judge whether you are using your authentic voice or not, you can also work on using your authentic voice more often and enjoying the world of songs. 


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