‘Oskido and Christos demonstrated humility to me,’ says Black Coffee

Today Black Coffee may be a world-renowned DJ but he has not forgotten those who have helped him along the way.

During an interview with Thembisa Mdoda on Touch HD, Black Coffee explained how Oskido and DJ Christos showed him “humility” when he was starting out.

“I wouldn’t have gigs and Chris would take me with, ask me to open for him and even pay me to play even if it was his gig,” Black Coffee said.

The DJ added that Christos would also give him access to his huge collection of music to choose songs to mix with. Coffee said Christos had over “100 records” which he could pick and choose from.

Coffee said he also learnt a great deal form his friend Oskido who showed him how to interact with people.

“I watched how they interacted with other people and it mostly left me amazed. It was the most fascinating thing. I remember this other time, we were walking to the car and this Oskido fan asked him for his T-shirt and Oskido took it off. I was like ‘wow’,” he said.

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