Lynxxx talks Upcoming Albums, about why he became More Spiritual and not being a Sex Icon

On his interview on #Urban96FM show “Urban Superstar Top 10 with Abby“, Lynxxx talks about how he became born again. His upcoming projects (2 Albums), shares how he became a changed man and how this has affected his relationship with some friends and colleagues in the entertainment industry.
In his interview he hails Wizkid, Legendary Beatz as the song Baba Nla makes the cut on the Superstar Top 10 lists. Yes,The star shared his top 10 songs at the moment.

Here are some other things we learnt from his interview with Abby:

. He found God on August 7th 2015
. It Was in his living room he had the encounter.
. He didn’t run to God because his musical career wasn’t moving up!
. He his one of the few artiste who has bought his/her own house.
. His first love happens to be Soul music, not hip-hop nor RnB.
. We are getting two albums soon.
. He is from Asaba, Delta state.
. He his a great fan of Wiz (Starboy)
. He his not a Gospel singer
. Yes! He his celibate

Listen to his interview on Urban Superstar Top 10 with Abby below!

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