Jamie Foxx walks off live interview after being asked about his girlfriend

Jamie Foxx was not in the mood to answer any questions about his girlfriend, actress Katie Holmes.

While appearing on ESPN’s live broadcast of SportsCenter on Friday, ahead of the NBA All-Star Celebrity Game, anchor Michael Smith asked an awkward question about Katie which the Hollywood actor didn’t find funny.

He asked: “I know you prepared [for the game] because I saw pictures. “Did you and Katie Holmes play basketball for Valentine’s Day? Like some real Love and Basketball?”

Jamie simply took off his headphones and mic and walked away from the interview.

I guess they got the answer to their question already!

Check out Jamie’s angry, walk-off moment (below) and let us know what you think. Did Jamie overreact to the question or does he have a right to be that pissed? We’ll keep you posted if he addresses it at all moving forward.

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