The former star from Pretty Little Liars, has undergone quite a makeover and looks absolutely nothing like her normally brunette, brown-eyed self. In a March 11 Instagram video, the 31-year-old is seen with icy blonde locks piled up in a sexy retro bun with long tendrils down the sides of her face. She’s also wearing light blue colored contacts to make her look even more unrecognizable. But it’s her adorable wardrobe malfunction that steals the show in the video where the strap pops off her black and white leopard print top.
Shay is seen giving a sexy look to the camera with her open pink lips when out of nowhere the left strap of her tight, plunging top breaks off and comes flying over her shoulder. The “You” star gives a look of shock and quickly grabs her breast to make sure she doesn’t end up suffering a nip slip in the process. But Shay’s quick action made sure to protect her modesty from the very close call.
“My alter ego Svetlana had a wardrobe malfunction but she wasn’t too concerned about it… 🤷🏼♀️ #bustdownSvetlana,” Shay captioned the Instagram video and her fans were totally there for it in the comments. “I can’t stop watching this,” one male fan obsessed. “Slay queen loving that look on you!! ❤️🙌😍🔥” another wrote. “This is crazy. This looks nothing like her,” a fan pointed out. Shay really looks like a completely different person, way more like a young “Pamela Anderson” than “PLL”‘s Emily Fields. In barely an hour after Shay shared the video, it had passed 1.3 likes so her fans are loving her makeover.
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