Daniel Bidemi- A Nigerian footballer, who was previously deported in India has now been arrested after trying to re-enter with a fake visa. The 30-year-old started his professional career City Strikers Kaduna before moving to Indian Premier League side Mohammedan on 2007.
After one season he moved on but has spent his prime career in India where he is well known. He was however deported back to Nigeria four years ago over an undisclosed incident. Bidemi however returned to the country to be with his wife in India as he reportedly stayed in a flat located in Madurdah.
It was stated that while he was deported in 2015 through the Indira Gandhi International Airport he was not yet married with his wife as they were in a relationship at the time. According to several reports, Bidemi was arrested by the the police with the aid of a fake visa and playing for another team. Now arrested Bidemi faces the Indian judicial stadium where he will be charged and punished for his offense. There has been no details emerging for the Nigerian embassy in India as Bidemi faces the government.
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