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Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Math Anxiety

Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Math Anxiety

IMG SOURCE: unsplash

Are you one of the people who find themselves going queasy when they think about numbers and mathematical operations? Does math make you dread going to school? Have you ever made a decision purely based on avoiding any subject math-based? Then you may be suffering from math anxiety.

Math anxiety is what a person experiences when they panic over working with numbers in any way. It is actually a common affliction. It affects people regardless of age, gender, and ethnicity. 

As a rule, people who feel anxious about their math abilities can perform much worse in math, but this is not always the case. There are several studies that found that Math Anxiety can work both ways. Sometimes, poor performance can be the cause of anxiety.


A person may be experiencing Math Anxiety if they are manifesting these symptoms: 


There are many causes of anxiety, though a majority of the confirmed cases have three primary causes. These primary causes are Fear of Embarrassment, Time Pressure, and Teacher Impact.

Coping with Math Anxiety

There are many ways to help a person cope with anxiety after finding that they may be suffering from it. Different strategies can be used to improve their math performance in their lives. Some of these strategies are 

Math anxiety is something that can change the life of a person. It is important to remember that it can be dealt with easily with patience and understanding. 

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