Ify Adenuga, mother of successful British creatives, Skepta, JME, Julie and Jason, launches her much anticipated memoir, Endless Fortune on October 15, 2020. The memoir explores important aspects of Ify’s life and examines historical events like the Nigerian civil war, from a very personal experience. It seeks to inspire, encourage, educate and enlighten her readers both in Nigeria and in diaspora.
The memoir tells the story of war, hope, death, love, pain, sacrifice, success and new beginnings. It takes you back in time to Lagos, Nigeria in the 1960s, the panic filled atmosphere, reverberating chants of war songs and the constant state of confusion; then transports you to the orderly, albeit hostile and crime riddled district of Tottenham, North London, exploring the challenges migrants face, ever so thoroughly. Endless Fortune is a candid exploration of the life story of Ify Adenuga: her survival from a war-torn nation, her immigration, her marriage and motherhood.
As the first book of its kind, the memoir examines the experience of the African diaspora and the complications around immigration. The book is regarded as a timely addition to the recurrent conversation around migration politics and immigration in the UK, and the world at large.
Speaking on the launch of the book, Ify says, “I am so delighted that this little project of mine is finally being released. While writing this book, there were two things I hoped to achieve, the first is to tell my children and subsequent grandchildren about my life growing up, and the second, is to recognise and appreciate all diasporas, regardless of where they call home. I want them to know that survival and success are attainable, and that they are seen. My family is a huge reason this book release is possible and to them, I am eternally grateful”
Ify is an imaginative and captivating narrator who carries the reader through the highs & lows of the life of an immigrant, a parent and, ultimately, a survivor. She is married to Joseph Senior Adenuga and is the mother of Joseph Junior (Skepta), Jamie (JME), Julie and Jason Adenuga. Endless Fortune is published by OWN IT!, in partnership with Boy Better Know.